mainstage live series
Junction trio

December 11, 2023, 7:30PM
PNC Theatre, 350 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, 15222
Amy Williams Bells and Whistles (Pittsburgh Premiere)
Charles Ives Trio for Violin, Cello, and Piano
Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Trio in B-flat Major, Op. 97, “Archduke”
A “new generation” piano trio featuring three visionary young artists, Stefan Jackiw, Conrad Tao, Jay Campbell.
Three renowned visionary artists of the next generation combine talents in this eclectic new piano trio, Junction. Violinist Stefan Jackiw, recognized for musicianship that combines poetry and purity with an impeccable technique, returns with pianist Conrad Tao and cellist Jay Campbell. Tao, who appears worldwide as a pianist and composer, has been dubbed a musician of “probing intellect and open-hearted vision” by the New York Times. Approaching both old and new works with the same curiosity and emotional commitment, Campbell has been called “electrifying” by the New York Times. Recent concerts of the trio have included performances at Washington Performing Arts, Portland Ovations and the Royal Conservatory in Toronto.